Meeting the unmet need: Accelerate’s new service

This February, we’re taking a bold step forward at Accelerate by opening our doors to private clients for the very first time.
As a social enterprise, this might feel like a surprising move, but it’s one we’ve carefully considered and is wholeheartedly supported by our membership, patient group and national representatives.
In our heart, we believe in fair access to care, free at the point of delivery. That hasn’t changed. But we’re also committed to finding new ways to meet the growing demands on our services while staying true to our “profit for good” values. Any surplus we make is reinvested into our work, adding social value and strengthening our NHS partnerships.
Why now?
We’ve made this decision because too many people are being let down. Getting timely and correct care for chronic swelling and the biomechanical challenges it causes has become a postcode lottery, leaving countless individuals without the support they need. For us, closing our eyes to this reality wasn’t an option.
Our community has asked for help, and we’re answering that call. Unmanaged swelling doesn’t just cause discomfort – it leads to infections, hospital admissions for cellulitis or sepsis and a shocking decline in quality of life. We know how to stop this, how to help people take control of their health, and how to make a real difference.
By offering private appointments, starting with lymphoedema services, we’re addressing a gap that desperately needs to be filled.
Our mission continues
This isn’t about profit. Every penny of surplus will strengthen our services and help us tackle the inequalities that our marginalised community faces every day.
Our mission hasn’t wavered. We’re as determined as ever to improve lives and deliver care where it’s needed most. This is just another way we’re making that happen.