
Learning by ‘osmosis’

"There are so many talented people at Accelerate it feels like you are learning by ‘osmosis’, you are just absorbing new knowledge all the time, there is always someone to ask if you are not sure about something."
two clinicians, look at foot gait and biomechanics at the Acclerate centre for exellence in Hackney, London

What’s it like to work at Accelerate?

Rachel joined Accelerate as a wound care specialist in late 2021, and has already learnt so much!

She has found the whole team to be friendly from day one and feels like everyone wants her to learn and become the best she can. She thinks it’s a very proactive, supportive and respectful environment and that she has been given time to’ find her feet’ before her workload increases. Equally, however, she has also been given space to be independent in her clinical practice.

She has already attended a sharp debridement course with the Accelerate Academy and is looking forward to attending more of the Academy’s advanced lower limb courses in 2022.

She commented:

There are so many talented people at Accelerate it feels like you are learning by ‘osmosis’, you are just absorbing new knowledge all the time, there is always someone to ask if you are not sure about something.

Working effectively

Her observation is that everything at Accelerate is built to help her be more effective in her working day, the IT systems are user friendly, the dressings and garment ordering is streamlined to be efficient, and there are lots of educational opportunities.

She said that working in a less hierarchical and nurse led environment, where everyone is engaged and working towards the same future, feels very healthy and inspirational. All that time and wasted energy spent fighting against the system which she has encountered in other roles, can be used instead to further the shared vision… and it shows.