Ideas and fun stuff

Don't be afraid of using our new brand, just make sure everything you produce sounds ace and looks exceptional.

Applying our brand

The following show examples of how you can bring all of our brand elements together to create engaging, well-considered and high quality communications.

Our simple check list

Ask yourself the following when creating any type of communication:

  1. Is my communication well written, regardless of whether it’s a patient or another healthcare professional, is it accessible so anyone can understand it?
  2. Have I used the correct logo in the correct way?
  3. Have I used some great images or our graphic style to make my communication look cool?
  4. Did I use the correct colours?
  5. Did I use the correct font?
  6. Am I proud of what I’ve created – does it look sound and look amazing, and does it support our values?

Accelerate brand reminders

Sample covers and forms

Tell us what you think

Sample covers Twitter account